Leslie Kaminoff

Weekend Immersion

May 17-18, 2025

In order to go deeply inside ourselves, we must journey within our physical bodies. The subject of yoga is the self, and the self is an attribute of a physical body.
— Leslie Kaminoff


Saturday, May 17

10am - 5:30pm ET

Lunch from 1:00pm-2:30pm ET

  • An Introduction to Desikachar’s Yoga: The Individual, the Breath, the Relationship

    Yoga practice in the tradition T.K.V. Desikachar exhibits many distinctive principles and practices not found in other Hatha Yoga lineages. Details of breath sequencing, coordination with movement and spinal action are just some of the subjects we will explore in this highly interactive, experiential and informative session.

    In homage to the groundbreaking contributions of his teacher, Leslie will share rare footage of Desikachar explaining the key tenets of his approach to therapeutic yoga: an utmost respect for the individual, the central role of the breath in yoga practice, and above all, the definition of yoga as relationship.

    This workshop will combine inquiry, dialogue, and a practice that balances structure with free-form improvisation.

  • Sushumna Nadi in Theory and Practice: The Central Pillar of Krishnamacharya’s Yoga

    An organizing principle of Krishnamacharya’s breath-centered approach to yoga theory and practice involves the opening of the central channel of the energetic body – the Sushumna Nadi. Leslie’s uniquely anatomical and experiential perspective on this topic refers to this as “vertical axis integration.” This session will explore this idea in a practice sequence that integrates asana, vinyasa, kriya and bandha. The session will conclude with a dhyana on the imagery derived from Krishnamacharya’s unique perspective on Prana/Apana, Kundalini and Agni.

Sunday, May 18

10am - 5:30pm ET

Lunch from 1:00pm-2:30pm ET

  • The OM Workshop: The Yoga of Sound, Breath, Resonance, and Vibration

    In a yoga class, one of the first opportunities for students to connect with their teacher is through a shared “OM” but how often do we pay as much attention to the details of this sound as we do to the nuance of asana? Leslie will deconstruct the phonetics of this complex, resonant, sacred vibration with a review of the phonetic map of the mouth embedded in the Sanskrit alphabet. He will lead students in a simple chanting practice that explores of the relationship between sound, physical support and movement.

  • The Most Powerful Breath You’ll Ever Take: Physiological Fundamentals of Breath-Centered Yoga

    Our very first breath was the most powerful we will ever take…it transforms our entire physiology from its non-breathing fetal state to that of an independent entity that must oxygenate its own blood, seek out its own nutrition, eliminate its waste and navigate a world of gravity and space. For the rest of our lives, we will have to negotiate this intricate dance between our internal and external spaces.

    A breath-centered yoga practice offers us the opportunity to take the second-most transformational breaths we will ever take, and that is the specific goal of this workshop. Through inspiration, education and reflection, Leslie Kaminoff will lead a series of practices that have the potential to positively transform your relationship to our breathing bodies.


Early Bird Rate: $329

Deadline: 4/1/25

Full Investment: $450*

More about Leslie

Leslie Kaminoff, co-creator of the bestselling book Yoga Anatomy and the online courses at YogaAnatomy.net, is a yoga educator and internationally recognized specialist with over four decades’ experience in the fields of yoga, breath anatomy, and bodywork. His approach to teaching combines intellectual rigor, spontaneity and humor, and is always evolving. Leslie’s website, which has links to all his content, can be found at yogaanatomy.org.

Continuing Education Program YACEP Yoga Alliance

YACEP Contact Hours Available

Questions about the workshops?

Reach out to us any time!

*Please note: workshops are not available a la carte at this time. Thank you for your understanding!